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Aquilon Music Festival is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. Your tax-deductible donation will enable us to offer scholarships to aspiring applicants and further our mission to educate a new generation of musicians. We sincerely appreciate your generous support!

Donation Levels:
A $100 donation will cover the cost of one costume.
A $300 donation will bring one orchestral musician for one performance.
A $500 donation will go toward building our performance scenery.
Sponsorship Levels:
The high "A" tier:
$1500 will provide a full scholarship for one excellent student.
For your contribution, Aquilon will provide space for a 1/3 page business ad in our festival program, and 2 complimentary tickets to each performance, and a signed headshot of the young artist your are sponsoring.
The high "B" tier:
$3000 will sponsor a faculty member.
For your contribution, Aquilon will provide space for a 1/2 page business ad in our festival program, a private in-house concert for you and your guests, and 3 complimentary tickets to each performance.
The high "C" tier:
$5000 will sponsor one faculty member, a terrific young singer and one orchestral musician.
For your contribution, Aquilon will provide space for a full-page business ad in our festival program, and a private in-house concert for you and guests with full wine and beverage service provided by Oregon's top wineries and breweries.
4 complimentary tickets will be provided to each performance.

Please send checks to:
Aquilon Music Festival
22741 SW Lincoln St.
Sherwood, OR 97140
Businesses: consider advertising with Aquilon! You can purchase ads in the printed opera programs at affordable rates.
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Are you employed by a large corporation? Consider making a contribution via and your employer may match your contribution.
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